Certificate of Membership
Two accredited professional designations:
Professional Accountants (SA)
Tax Practitioner
SAIPA PrivySeals may be automatically added to Annual Financial Statements and other statutory reports generated on CaseWare, Draftworx and other accounting software platforms.
Approximately 60,000 SAIPA PrivySeal viewed monthly (as at October 2020)
Key Outcomes:
Validation of professional status on key documentation, including Annual Financial Statements
PrivySeal Limited provides real-time digital certificates and seals (“Credentials”) in JPEG, PDF and other formats on its SaaS platform.
The certificate template is created on the PrivySeal platform and a REST API with the appropriate certificate fields is provided to the client (Issuer).
The client implements the simple and well documented PrivySeal API and this ensures that all certificate (Issuer) data is kept in sync with the PrivySeal platform.
Credentials are created and revoked automatically per the client (Issuer) data. Every Credential has unique URLs and QR codes to facilitate access and display.